Wednesday, April 1, 2009

NEWS!!! And Kate's first haircut

I've got some very exciting news. I'm PREGNANT!!!! I'm due in November. Yay!

In other news, Kate got her first haircut yesterday. We just got a few inches cut off the bottom, to clean up the split ends. I fixed it after we got home and it looks really cute. This picture is at the barber shop. I got it cut at the same barber shop where I take Kaden to get his hir cut. It was an impulse decision. Kaden was there to get his hair cut and Kate said she wanted her hair cut too. There is a lady that works there that was cutting another little girl's hair, and she did a great job. So I thought, Why not?! Kate did really good. She didn't fuss or cry at all and she sat pretty still for a two year old. Sorry the picture didn't turn out very good. I took it on my camera phone.
And just another picture of the kids. This is from a few days ago. Kate just HAS to carry around her baby doll every where she goes. They are so much fun. I can't believe Kaden will be five a month from today. Where does the time go???

Yesterday, when Kate was surprised by something (I don't remember exactly what) she said "Oy! Holy Moly!" But she says it very dramatic. Ooooy! Hoooooooooly Mmmmmmmmmmmoly! It's hilarious! I love it when she says crazy things like that. Silly girl.

Oh, and one last thing.... April Fools! HAHA. Everything except the first paragraph is true. Don't hate me. It's just a little April Fools fun! :)


Holly said...

ohhh yer a punk jac!

Heidi Pinckard said...

Yeah, you let me get excited and then I find out it's just a trick! Here I was thinking that my newest little guy will have a cousin close to his age. I guess I will just have to wait.
Kate's hair cut is cute. Your kids crack me up! They both say the funniest things. And Kate is so dramatic and Kaden is so laid back. It is fun to see how different they are.

*Katie May* said...

HA HA I figured it out before I started reading the rest :) Now that you did that trick you're going to be pregnant for reals!! :) I love new hair cuts on little girls. Love the Hoooooooly MMMMMMMoly! I can't believe he will be five either crazy!

Rachel said...

Ha Ha! I wondered why you didn't give any details :)

The kids are super cute!

*Shaffen and Misty* said...

I thought about pulling that kind of a prank BUT I think it would turn out Shaffen fainting or throwing up!! HMMMMM....not such a bad idea! :)hehe! Kate's hair is way cute!

JaredandKatie said...

You are such a booger! I didn't even look at the date. All I could think is why didn't she tell me?? HA HA HA You little stinker!

The Bushmans said...

Man and I was so excited for you! I was wondering if you were going to say how you were feeling and then you didn't. You better watch it it may come true.

Leslie said...

That's funny! Your kids are super duper cute! I like your April Fools Joke :o)