First, a picture of my good looking kiddo's! This was before we left for school this morning. THe kids were so excited! Kate's preschool doesn't start for another few weeks, and she was so disappointed that she didn't get to stay at school with Kaden.
The kids wanted to show off their new backpacks. Kaden's is a superhero one and Kate's, of course, is Tinkerbell, her very favorite movie.
Me and Kaden on the playground, lined up with his class waiting for their teacher to come get them. I'm all teary-eyed under those glasses!
Kaden and Kate in front of the school.
He had to test out the drinking fountain! :)
In his classroom, after he hung up his backpack.
When I picked him up today, he said that his first day of school was "Awesome!". I'm so glad he had a good day. I love you so much, Kaden!
I am glad he had a great I mean awesome day :) Kate is such a doll! starts early for you guys! We still have 2 weeks. Glad he likes it!
Awww... they are growing up so fast! And both of them are adorable!!!
It is sad when they go to want them to not be scared and want you at the same time! But in the end it will make all of the days easier because you don't have to MAKE him go!!!! :) They are getting sooo big.
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