Sunday, July 22, 2007

Crazy weekend!

We had a crazy weekend! My Grandpa Good (my mom's dad) had a triple bypass surgery on Friday. It was estimated to be a 3-5 hour procedure, but he was in surgery for over 7 hours due to excessive bleeding. He is doing okay now (after several blood transfusions), recovering a little more every day. He will be in ICU for another day and in the hospital still for a few days, and we are told it will be about three months before he is 100% recovered.
Seeing my Grandpa after surgery, on a ventilator and with drainage tubes coming out of his chest, so pale and swollen was really hard for me. It reminded me a lot of the two times Kaden was in the ICU, clinging to life. Life is so fragile and precious. I'm glad my Grandpa is recovering well though. I want to have him around for a lot longer.
We also went to the wedding of some old friends, Janae Stickel and Jason Richards. It was fun and beautiful. It was so much fun catching up with old friends who we haven't seen in years.

1 comment:

*Katie May* said...

I hope all continues to go well for your grandpa. Jason finally got married huh? :)