Thursday, February 5, 2009


So, we had an adventurous week last week. On Tuesday morning, Kaden accidentally swallowed a metal marble-shaped ball that we thought was a magnet. I had to take him to get it x-rayed. It stayed in his stomach for several days (we had LOTS of x-rays taked during that time). We were so worried that he would have to have it removed by having a tube put down his throat to extract it. He had to have a tube put down his throat at 18 months old and had severe complications and almost died. So, you can understand my concerns about having to put another tube down his throat. After lots of prayers and blessings, it finally came out on Friday. When it came out, it was all dimpled and pitted from being in stomach acid for so long. Anyway, we were so relieved that everything turned out okay.
And here's a picture of the kids with their pediatrician, Dr Laks. We LOVE her and see her even though she's an hour and a half away.


*Katie May* said...

wow! I am so glad it came out and you didn't have to get it extracted :S Let me know when you are down here sometime. I would love to get together with you! :) I don't think I have seen you since last Thanksgiving, that's over a year ago! Wow! Anywho, I miss ya!

Rachel said...

How scary! I'm glad it came out! He must have some crazy stomach acid...I've never heard of the metal ball getting pitted :)


Oh, Poor guy! Glad it came out! I hope your doing well!!!